
Today is the first of April and the sunny weather is warming me up. But I have more important things on my mind. I am currently working on my website, where I will introduce my upcoming comic. Creating my website has been a huge project, but there is still a lot of work left to do. So, I'm taking a break and writing my first blog post, even though I can't publish it just yet.

This is the first time I'm publishing a website for my comic hobby. I can't wait to share my passion with the world and show them what my comic is all about. In addition to creating my website, I've been thinking about how to introduce myself to my audience and what kind of comics I enjoy. I plan to add this as additional content to my site.

Today, I also went outside with my dog and met some people during our walk. Now my dog is sleeping peacefully and its snoring amuses me. I'm planning to draw my upcoming comic later today and focus specifically on an action scene that I've been sketching for the past few days. Finally, I get to draw what I really enjoy, action! This comic is important to me and I'm glad to have found a new way to share it through my website.

This website launch is a big step for me and I'm excited about how well it's progressing. I can't wait to see what the future holds.